Apologies for not posting about the July meeting but here are the key elements of our last meeting.
Mayoral Minute – Halloween 2024
The return of Halloween to main street was a decision of Council. I amended the Mayoral minute so that the additional funding is drawn from carryover revenue from the SRV for economic transition. Why? Halloween has always been staged as an economic stimulus package and drawing on these funds is appropriate. If it is just a dress up party then clearly the funds would have to come from another source but that is decision for the community and council moving forward.
I also added an additional point requesting adequate surveys and assessment of the event be undertaken and reported back to the next council. The Mayor and Councillor McGhie voted against the amendment. The only Councillor to vote against the motion was Cr Lesslie.
Notice of Motion – 26/08/2024 – Cr S McGhie – Police Check and working with Children Check for Councillors
All candidates for Council elections are required to nominate and sign a statutory declaration see below. Candidates must acknowledge that they are not excluded from standing for Council as per the exclusions under the local government act.
Any sitting Councillor or candidate who believes a candidate for this election is not fit to hold public office needs to refer their proof and concerns to the electoral commission. If substantiated those individuals will be prosecuted for signing a false declaration and excluded from Council.
Any other action is a cheap political stunt to sew doubt in the minds of all residents. As stated at the Council meeting, I have a volunteer WWCC check but I won’t be posting it online. Why? Because you as an individual are unable to verify the currency or validity of the number provided unless you meet specific requirements as outlined at the following link.
The Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 (NSW) [WWC Act]- states that these checks are required for anyone who works or volunteers in child-related work in NSW.
Child-related work is defined by section 6(1)(a) of the WWC Act as involving direct contact by the worker with a child or children and that contact is part of or more than incidental to the work. What are child related positions can be found at https://legislation.nsw.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2012-051#sec.6
Response to Notice of Motion – 22 July 2024 – Rural Waste Management
I was dissatisfied with the response to my original Notice of Motion, so I successfully moved the following to replace the Administration’s response. This is how Councillors hold the Administration to account. Our rural residents deserve answers to their legitimate concerns. My motion was supported unanimously.
1. That Administration provide a report to the next Council meeting addressing the following:
a) Design guidelines for all waste transfer stations to ensure that residents can safely dispose of their waste at the transfer station inclusive of a risk assessment for unloading rubbish
b) Table the review undertaken by the Administration bulky waste services referenced on p 8 of 48
c) Option to provide enhance resource recovery options for residents in rural areas at Waste transfer stations
Continuation of the Wolgan Road Reconstruction – Interim budget allocation
The Administration had the mayor authorise the expenditure of $2.2 million because of the proximity to the Caretaker mode, an online extraordinary could be called very quickly. It wasn’t so I moved the additional Point
That Item 3.9 is referred to the ARIC Committee for review and advice to the next Council on developing an effective policy on Section 226 (d) of the Local Government Act
Not I thought an unreasonable request, but it was voted down by Councillors Statham, Bryce, McGhie, O’Connor and Goodwin. No council I have reviewed has a financial delegation greater than $500,00 for the mayor and only for specific uses. Why is Lithgow different and why would these councillors not wish to have protection for future Mayors?
Main Street CBD Stage 2 Footpath Revitalization Program – Funding Advocacy
$1.93 million dollars lost through poor management. I raised this publicly on the Friday before the Council meeting as part of the past on governance. Another candidate’s team after reading it, posted the next day sensationalizing it and using it to attack sitting Councillors. The loss of these funds raises serious question about Council operations which will be answered through the additional point that I added, and which got up:
C) That Item 3.11 is referred to the ARIC Committee to review the management of this project and to report back to the next Council.
The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee will review this project and report back to the next Council. This is an independent committee regulated by the state government with access to all Council records. It achieves what Councillor Lesslie wanted but without going to the State Government.
Councillors employ only one staff member and our roles are regulated by state government legislation which you can read at The role of Council, Councillors and the General Manager .