Motion to List Caucusing in the Introductory remarks in the Council papers Cr. Lesslie moved a motion to include a commentary on Caucusing – which in my opinion was not inconsistent with what had been added into the Introduction of the Agenda by the Administration. The motion was lost with: For: Lesslie, Ring, Mahoney, Coleman…
Media & Messages
Summary of Council Meeting 27 November 2023
It was a long meeting over 4 hours and I have tried to keep to the key issues. My apologies if it is too long. 9.2 – Councillor S Ring – Lithgow Halloween Review 2023 I successfully moved to have a full debrief of Halloween with main Street business and report brought back to the…
Summary of Council Meeting 25 September 2023
DEBATE IS NOT A DIRTY WORD Everyone is now aware of the vote for Mayor and Deputy Mayor and as such I will not pass any comment. 10.5.2 Vale of Clwydd Hall When I saw the post by the Vale Ladies I contacted them and arranged to meet them on Tuesday 19 September, and I…
Summary of Council Meeting 28 August 2023
At the Council meeting I submitted two notices of motion for debate: Item 9.1 – Draft Marrangaroo Structure Plan The potential to develop Marrangaroo (Reserve Roadside of the highway) for residential and commercial use was first raised in 1982. Forty years later Council has not acquired any land in this area and has not completed…
Summary of Council Meeting 24 July 2023
During the public forum I ensured that members of our community were offered additional time to speak specifically on the DA for additional bore holes at Mt Walker. I either moved or seconded motions allowing speakers additional time. I acknowledged the views and concerns of the residents who were present and who spoke against the…
Summary of Council Meeting 26 June 2023
On Monday evening I returned to Council as a direct consequence of the resignation of former Councillor Deanna Goodsell. A Countback Election was initiated by the NSW Electoral Commission which thankfully saved our community approximately $180,000 for a by -election. At the meeting I moved to reduce the overall rate increase by 10 per cent…
The role of Council, Councillors and the General Manager
WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF A COUNCIL? Both the role of Councils and elected Councillors has changed during the last three decades. It is no longer true that councils are only responsible for roads, water and rubbish. However, these remain as key service that are provided particularly in Regional NSW Councils provide a range of…
How Priorites are determined
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY The Community Engagement Strategy provides a guideline for Council’s engagement with the community to: • Develop the Community Strategic Plan 2035 and associated documents that form the Integrated Planning Framework. All of these key documents can be located at Lithgow City Council • Engage with the community on how best to achieve…